the Windows 8 Operating System is available for download by the Microsoft Developer Team following which you can easily install the dev version on your computer for free. To get started you need to download the right version from based on the system type from 32-bit to 64-bit.
Next you need to get a ISB Flash Drive with a minimum capacity of 4Gb because the installation data is in the range of 2-3 Gb based on the version you select. Following are the step by step procedures for the whole OS Installation process.
You need to run the Command Prompt on your computer. For this Click on Start > Search for ‘cmd’ and then right click on this and select ‘Run as Administrator’ option.
- Next you need to enter List Disk in the Command Prompt to find out all the connected drives like the Internal HDD & the external USB Drive. Following this you need to select the USB Flash Drive which in this case is the ‘Disk 1′.
Next you need to Clean this drive for which you need to enter the command ‘CLEAN’ following which you need to create a partition for which you need to enter ‘CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY’ which would succeed in creating the specific partition. Following this you need to select by entering ‘SELECT PARTITION 1′ followed by entering ‘ACTIVE’ to make the new partition in active mode.
- The next step would be to Format the external drive to NTFS partition which would take a few seconds to minutes based on the drives speed. Once this is done you need to Assign and then enter the folder where you have the Windows 8 Installation Files stored on your computer. In our case we have extracted all the ISO files at C:/win folder location on the computer. Next you need to come out of the default partition and then enter the win folder by entering ‘CD WIN’, followed by entering ‘CD BOOT’.
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